Sudoku Champion is a powerful Sudoku program with a large number of features:
You can create your own Sudoku settings, or have Sudoku Champion create one. You
can save and load puzzles, and you can copy and paste them as text so you
can easily share them by email. Sudoku Champion can solve a Sudoku on its own,
or it can give you different forms of hints, or you can solve it all by
yourself. Finally, you can also print Sudoku puzzles.
Download and Installation
Download Sudoku Champion 1.1

SudokuChampionSetup.exe (331KB).
To install, run the setup program on your computer. If you do not have the Microsoft .NET framework 2.0
installed on your computer, Sudoku Champion will not run. Download it if necessary on the
.NET Framework page
of Microsoft. To find out whether you still need the .NET framework, you can simply install Sudoku Champion,
and if it runs, you have it!
You can send feedback and feature requests to
nospam1 at fierz dot ch.
Quick Start
When you start Sudoku Champion, it opens with a newly generated puzzle for you
to solve. Every puzzle has a unique solution. Sudoku Champion always highlights
the currently active cell by drawing its border in red. To change the value
of the highlighted cell, just type a number from 1 to 9 on the keyboard. Typing
0, delete or backspace will clear the current value of the cell. You can move the active cell
with the arrow keys or by clicking a different cell with the mouse. While
you solve the puzzle, Sudoku Champion offers you different types of help:
- Cells which can be solved can be highlighted
- The highlighting can be coded according to the reason for which the cell is solvable
- Right-clicking a cell with the mouse will display the remaining possible values of that cell in the status bar
- You can also display the number of remaining possibilites as a bar in each cell
- Sudoku Champion can display a message if the puzzle cannot be solved any
- By double-clicking on a cell which can be resolved through simple scanning,
Sudoku Champion will fill in the cell's value for you
- Sudoku Champion can count the number of solutions a given Sudoku has
- Sudoku Champion can solve the entire Sudoku for you
How it started
I wrote Sudoku Champion as an excercise since I was learning C#. The best way to learn a programming
language is to actually write a program and learn by doing. I got the idea to write a Sudoku program
from Léonie Fierz (who is no relation of mine): She was a student in a Science course for Swiss youths, and
told me that she was supposed to write a Sudoku program as an assignment in class. I was motivated to
write Sudoku Champion when I saw the most beautiful woman of the clinic Königsfelden solve one on
the train from Brugg to Zürich. I finally started writing it in march 2006 in my mountain retreat in
the Engadin.
Thanks to Stefan van Ekeren for beta testing, and Andreas Umbach for helping me with the flicker problem.
Version History
- 1.1 - April 17, 2006: improved display (remaining possibilities as pencilmarks, no more flicker), improved
printing (now prints 6 puzzles on one page), improved solver (3-4 times faster).
- 1.0 - April 4, 2006: initial release
Todo list
- Different levels of difficulty
- Faster Solver
This page was last updated on
April 17, 2006 using Arachnophilia