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Advanced Techniques
Move orderingMove ordering is very important for the AlphaBeta algorithm to perform well. To understand why, recall the loop over all moves in AlphaBeta:for(i=0;i<n;i++) { domove(&list[i],&p); value=-alphabeta(p,depth-1,-beta,-localalpha); undomove(&list[i],&p); bestvalue=max(value,bestvalue); if(bestvalue>=beta) break; if(bestvalue>localalpha) localalpha=bestvalue; }The 'if(bestvalue>=beta) break;' - statement is the one thing which distinguishes AlphaBeta from NegaMax. Whenever this condition is true, the search can be stopped, and the node is said to have ended in a beta cutoff or fail high. Now it is easy to understand why move ordering is so important: if there is only one move which will cause a beta cutoff, we will have to search until we find it. If this move is at the top of the movelist, we can return after searching only one move, if it is at the end, we have to search all moves. If our game has a branching factor (average number of possible moves) N and we wish to search to depth D, we will have to search N^D nodes with MiniMax (or NegaMax), but with perfectly ordered AlphaBeta only N^(D/2). With perfectly reverse-ordered AlphaBeta we would have to search the same number of nodes as MiniMax, if the evaluation function was continuous. Evaluation functions are usually rather coarse, e.g. in chess they usually have 1 centipawn as smallest unit, and so you get lots of cutoffs even in perfectly reverse-ordered AlphaBeta. All of this means that well-ordered AlphaBeta search can look twice as far ahead as MiniMax. With random move ordering our AlphaBeta algorithm will be somewhere in between. Obviously there is no way to generate moves in the order of their merit; if we had a function which could already generate moves in the correct order, we would not have to make a search at all... Still, there are quite a few approaches to improve move ordering - they all take up some time, but the benefit is usually much greater. All these techniques to improve the move ordering need a constant amount of time, that means, our program will just be able to calculate a few percent less nodes per second. On the other hand, the benefit is exponential. The deeper we search, the larger our benefit will be. Move ordering techniques can be divided in three classes: results of a previous search, dynamic move ordering and static move ordering. I'll examine them in this order. HashtablesThe hashtable is a very important component of a strategy game program for two reasons: it recognizes transpositions in the move order, and it improves move ordering. The basic idea of the hashtable is to store intermediate results of the search and to probe the table for these results. As an example for the usefulness of the hashtable imagine a game where white starts with move A, black responds with B and white goes on to move C. If the game had gone C,B,A instead, we would have the same position again, and there would be no point in searching it again, if we still remembered what we had calculated in the A,B,C position. This shows us how the hashtable must work: At the end of every AlphaBeta function we must store our calculation, and at the beginning of every AlphaBeta function we must first probe the hashtable to find out if we need to calculate anything at all. We need to store the position, the value of the position, the remaining search depth with which we arrived at this value, and the value type. The value type tells us if the value we have stored is an exact MiniMax value or rather an upper or lower bound for the true MiniMax value. Remember that if the return value of AlphaBeta is not between alpha and beta, it is not an exact value. If value > beta it is a lower bound for the true value, if value < alpha it is an upper bound for the true value. This is important, as we might arrive at the same position with different alpha and beta values.Let's modify our AlphaBeta code to use a hashtable: For this, I use two functions called lookup() and store(). lookup has the following fuction prototype: int lookup(POSITION *p, int depth, int *alpha, int *beta, int *hashvalue);
The lookup function returns true if it finds the position in the hashtable and
the value in the hashtable can be returned immediately. Lookup() might also
encounter a lower value in the hashtable that is larger than alpha. In this case,
the current alpha can immediately be set to the hashvalue. For this reason, I pass
alpha and beta by reference to lookup(), so lookup() can modify their values.
void store(POSITION *p, int depth, int bestvalue, int alpha, int beta); Together this gives the new AlphaBeta function with hashtable:
int alphabeta(POSITION *p, int depth, int alpha, int beta) { MOVE list[MAXMOVES]; int i,n,value,localalpha=alpha,bestvalue=-INFINITY; int hashvalue; if(lookup(p, depth, &alpha, &beta, &hashvalue)) return hashvalue; if(checkwin(p)) return -INFINITY; if(depth == 0) return evaluation(p); n = makemovelist(p,list); if(n==0) return handlenomove(p); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { domove(list[i],&p); value = -alphabeta(p,depth-1,-beta,-localalpha); undomove(list[i],&p); bestvalue = max(value,bestvalue); if(bestvalue >= beta) break; if(bestvalue>localalpha) localalpha = bestvalue; } store(p, depth, bestvalue, alpha, beta); return bestvalue; } As you can see, the first thing AlphaBeta does now is to check in the table if the position has already been calculated. If lookup() returns a nonzero value, we have some information available on the position. However, we must check if the information is useful, for instance, it might be from a previous iteration, and the stored result would have been calculated with a smaller search depth. In this case, we cannot use the information. Otherwise, we can use it. If it is an exact value, we can return it directly. If it is an upper bound on the value of the position, we know that the true value of the position is less or equal than the stored value. If this stored value is smaller or equal to alpha, we can return it again, because we are only interested in values between alpha and beta. If the value is greater than alpha, but smaller than beta, we can adjust beta to save time in the next call to AlphaBeta. For lower bounds a similar reasoning applies. For the hashtable to be efficient, we must be able to store as many entries as possible, and the time to store and look up the entries must be very short. At first, these two requirements seem contradictory: The more entries we have in the table, the longer it should take to find the right one?! Luckily, this is just not true, thanks to a technique called hashing, which is why the hashtable has this name. Another name for it is transposition table. Hashing works like this: we have a position and we generate two numbers with it, which I call the keyand the lock. The hashtable is typically an array with H entries. The key is mapped onto this array by taking key modulo H. This is the array element which we use for storage. Obviously, there will be many more possible positions than H. This means that many different positions map to the same array index. It is very important that the hash number(s) we generate from the position is very different even for similar positions - our search will generate many similar positions, and, if the hash numbers are also similar, there is a danger that they all go to similar entries in the hash array, and the rest of the array remainst pretty much unused. To check whether to different positions map to the same entry in the hashtable, we us the lock. It is also a number generated from the position, which is also not unique - again, many positions may map to the same lock. The point is that it is VERY improbable that two different positions will generate the same index and lock value. This makes hash errors very improbable. Of course it would be possible to store the whole position in the hashtable, but this would violate the first requirement, that we must be able to store as many positions as possible - typically, the lock is just a 32-bit number, whereas the position would need much more space. The most common implementation of a hash function is Zobrist hashing. Remember that we want our hashing function to produce numbers which are wildly different for even slightly different positions, but identical for the same positions - and we would like to generate these numbers fast. Here's how it works: Assume you have a board with S squares and P different types of pieces. You allocate an array int zobristnumbers[S][2*P];and fill it with random numbers. The hash number is now calculated as an XOR over the occupied squares of the entire board: key = 0; for(i=0; i<S; i++) { if(board[i] != EMPTY) key ^= zobristnumbers[i][piece[i]]; }This function fulfills our requirements - put one piece on another square and your entire number is XOR'ed with two random numbers and is wildly different. It isn't very fast though, you have to scan over the entire board. However, for a typical game, you can compute it incrementally: if you move a piece from square S1 to square S2 then all you need to do is XOR the current hash number with the zobrist numbers for that piece corresponding to the two squares for your move. If you capture other pieces in the process, you'll have to add a bit more computation. For example, for chess you typically only need two XORs instead of 64. In general, it is worth thinking about things you might be able to compute incrementally - a lot of things are much faster that way (material balance would be another thing you would want to compute incrementally). However, when you start out adding a hashtable to your program, it is probably a good idea to first use a position_to_hashnumber function instead of an incrementally computed hash number to make sure that your hashtable implementation is bugfree, without having to worry whether your hash number is bugfree too. A final remark: the above hash function doesn't recognize which side is to move. For some games that is implicit from the number of pieces on the board (Reversi/Othello or Connect 4), for others it is not. For those games you'll have to XOR in another random number for the side to move. The above just describes the use of the hashtable in recognizing transpositions. A very important point about the hashtable is another one though: The hashtable helps in move ordering. Since we are using iterative deepening, we will have information in the hashtable from the last search with less search depth. If we also record the best move in the hashtable, we can use this best move to order our movelist - the best move first. The hash move is a very good guess for the best move! Killer movesKiller moves are another heuristic to help in move ordering. The basic idea behind killer moves is this: Imagine a position with white to move. After white's first move we go into the next recursion of AlphaBeta and find a move K for black which causes a beta cutoff for black. The reasoning is then that move K is a good move for black, a 'killer'. So when we try the next white move it seems reasonable to try move K first, before all others. In a game like chess, the above situation would fit to a position where black is threatening a mate in one, and white should do something about it. Killer moves are a very simple heuristic, but for their simplicity they work quite well. Some people use multiple killer moves. Others try to avoid the killer move being a move that they would search early anyway, e.g. a capture in chess. YMMV as always, test to see what works best for you!History heuristicsHistory heuristics are in some way an extension of killer moves. With killer moves, the problem is that we forget them again immediately. You can think of killer moves as some kind of short-term memory, while history heuristics is long-term memory. In history heuristics we keep track of all good moves. For a game like chess or checkers, we take a double-indexed counter array, history[][], which we index with the from and to squares of the move. Every time we find a move from a-to-b to be good, we increment the value of history[a][b]. When we generate the movelist, we can then order it according to the values of the history array. You might want to experiment with the history heuristic too, e.g. you could decide only to increment the counter for moves which caused a fail-high (after all, in all other nodes you will have to search all moves anyway, so it doesn't matter as much in which order you search them).Static orderingStatic move ordering is inherently a game-dependent heuristic, unlike the three others above, which are game-independent. From a theoretical point of view, game-independent heuristics are much more satisfactory, but for a 'real-world' program we just want the best possible performance. I can just give a few examples about static move ordering: In chess, capture moves are often ordered by the values of the 'agressor' and the 'victim'. In checkers, you might want to order promotions to the top of the list. When capture moves are possible in checkers, you might order them according to the number of stones they capture. In connect 4, you can order the moves so that moves close to the center of the board are at the top of the list. These are just a few ideas, and many more might be useful - it's a trial-and-error thing.Search enhancementsAll techniques above aimed at reducing the number of nodes to search by better move ordering. There is another class of enhancements with the same goal, but with different means. These enhancements try to exploit the nature of the AlphaBeta algorithm, which has to search fewer nodes when the alpha-beta window is smaller.WindowingWindowing is the simplest of the following techniques. In an iterative deepening framework, we always have a value of the previous iteration. Therefore, we try to reduce the search effort by using a smaller alpha-beta window. Instead of using -INFINITY...+INFINITY we can use an interval lastvalue-WINDOW...lastvalue+WINDOW. If the true MiniMax value at this iteration is really inside this window, we will just need to search fewer nodes than with the larger window. On the other hand, our guess that the true value is inside this window might also be wrong. In this case, we will get a fail-high or a fail-low. In this case, we will have to do a re-search with a larger window.Principal variation search (PVS)Windowing is simple and it is quite good. However, windowing is restricted to the root node. PVS tries to go a bit further by making assumptions on the alpha-beta window at every node. Here's the basic idea: Since we have gone to a lot of trouble with our move ordering schemes above, we can be pretty confident that we will find the best move early on. Therefore, our localalpha will be at its maximal value after the first few moves. PVS tries to exploit this by calling the next recursion of AlphaBeta with different parameters than standard-AlphaBeta. AlphaBeta would use alpha and beta. In PVS however, we already guess that our current localalpha will be better than what we will get with the remaining moves. Therefore we set alpha to localalpha and beta to localalpha+1, that is, we use a call
value=-alphabeta(p,d-1,-(localalpha+1),-localalpha); We expect this call to fail low, because we believe that we have already found the best move. If this call does not fail low, we need to revise our assumption and call AlphaBeta again with the normal alpha and beta bounds. PVS is also often called NegaScout. It gets its name from the scout search which a minimal window, which sort of probes the territory to see whether a real search is necessary. MTD(f)MTD(f) is another clever trick which uses AlphaBeta's property of returning boundaries on the true MiniMax value. MTD(f) makes a few calls to AlphaBeta with changing windows to get the true value of the position. Each time it gets either a lower or an upper bound on the current position's value. These bounds converge toward the true MiniMax value. Here's the code for MTD(f):
int mtdf(struct position p, int firstguess,int depth) { int g,lowerbound, upperbound,beta; g=firstguess; upperbound=INFINITY; lowerbound=-INFINITY; while(lowerbound<upperbound) { if(g==lowerbound) beta=g+1; else beta=g; g=alphabeta(p,depth,beta-1,beta); if(g<beta) upperbound=g; else lowerbound=g; } return g; } MTD(f) gets a 'firstguess' value from the last iterative deepening stage. By zooming in on the true MiniMax value with its minimal window calls, it arrives at the same result as a normal AlphaBeta search, but generally uses less nodes to find this value. I read that for MTD to work, you have to store both upper and lower bounds in your hashtable instead of just one value and bound type. The idea is that MTD will often re-search a position with a different alpha-beta window, and it would be a shame to forget results of earlier searches - which would happen if you were to overwrite the stored information that a position has a upper bound of 100 with the information that it also has a lower bound of 90. Enhanced transposition cutoffs (ETC)ETC is a cute idea: in a normal AlphaBeta search with a hashtable, you will be searching through all possible moves, and for every move you make, you do a hashtable lookup to see if you can return immediately. ETC takes this idea one step further: Before doing your recursive AlphaBeta call, you look up all possible successor positions of the current position. If you get a hashtable hit on one of these calls which gives you a return value > beta, you can immediately return without a search. The reason ETC helps is that in the normal AlphaBeta case, you generate a movelist, and let's assume that move number 5 would lead to a hashtable hit leading to a cutoff. Nevertheless, in the normal AlphaBeta framework, you will have to search through moves number 1 - 4, and only then do you find that move number 5 gives you a cutoff. This search is made unnecessary with the ETC lookup.ETC is a nice idea in theory, but it is expensive. In my checkers program, I use ETC, but I only use it if there is "enough" depth left in the search. The point is that ETC will give you cutoffs with a constant probability, and if you use it close to the leaf nodes, the amount of the tree that you cutoff is small. If you only use ETC further away from the leafs, you will get a big enough cutoff to compensate for the speed loss. The question is of course: what is "enough" depth? This has to be decided separately for every game engine - I use it and find it improves my checkers program, Bob Hyatt has found it to be ineffective in his strong chess program "Crafty". One thing to keep in mind is that hashtables are getting slower and slower compared to the rest of the game-playing program, because they need to access the main memory. Today's processors run at full speed only if they can run out of their large caches. Singular extensionsSingular extensions (SE) got their 15 minutes of fame when they were used by the Deep Blue team which won it's chess match against world champion Garry Kasparov. Since then, SE seems to have been abandoned by most. The idea of singular extensions is appealing, and what makes it so appealing is that it is game-independent: Many ideas on how to improve tree search depend heavily on the game, and therefore lack generality. Singular extensions in theory work for all games. As the name says, SE is about extensions. Up to now, I have avoided this topic, but it is important: The AlphaBeta function I have shown searches a game tree to a fixed depth. However, many lines of play are just stupid, while others are more interesting. The aim of SE is to catch some of the more interesting lines, and to search them deeper than the rest. It relies on detecting forced moves for one side, and on extending the search depth in the case of forced moves. Humans play chess like this, and can solve long variations which are forced easily. SE tries to emulate this behavior. Here's how it works:In the AlphaBeta routine above, we try to find out if one of the successor moves is vastly superior than all others. If this is the case, we re-search this move with a larger depth. The problem with SE is that it is not easy to find out if the best move is vastly superior! To begin with, it may not be an exact value. Continuing, the other moves will certainly not be exact values, since once they fell short of beta, they were not searched further, i.e. no attempt was made to prove that the move was worse than beta-SINGULAR. This means, that SE needs a lot of changes: first, we have to find the best move - this works as before. Once we have found it, we could search all other moves with a minimal window of (beta-SINGULAR, beta-SINGULAR+1). If they all fail low, great, we have a singular move and re-search the best move with a higher depth. But what if the best move was a fail high? then we do not know it's exact value, and maybe it is a singular move even though it is not according to the above definition. I tried implementing some SE in my checkers program, and it never really worked. It usually works fine in some test positions, but overall, no go. People always say: but it worked in Deep Blue! Yes, it did. Then again, with the amount of computing power they had at the time, they could have implemented nearly anything and would have had a strong program... Quiescence searchAs I just said above, the basic search algorithm I presented always goes to a fixed depth. However, it may often not be a good idea to evaluate a position if it is too chaotic. Exactly what too chaotic might mean depends on the game. A simple example in chess is a position where white to move is a rook down but can promote a pawn to a queen, winning the game. If we were to call our static evaluation function in this position, it would (unless it was smart, which evaluation functions usually aren't) conclude that white is dead lost, a rook down. Therefore, a technique called quiescence search is often used: Once you want to call your evaluation function, you take a look at very few select moves that need to be checked further. You have to make sure that you are very restrictive in your quiescence search, otherwise your search tree will explode completely.Depth reductionsPruning in general is a way of deciding to reduce the search depth of the current line. There are many ways in which you can do this, and some of them are game specific (see below). Others are of a more general nature. The whole idea comes from the fact that most of the lines your program is looking at are absolutely ridiculous. Now, if we could only get rid of these ridiculous lines and look at the important ones instead... One very general pruning technique that is nearly guaranteed to work in most games is Michael Buro's ProbCut algorithm (and variants thereof): In ProbCut, you decide to search less deeply at some fixed remaining depth, e.g. when there are 8 ply remaining. Instead, you decide to search only 4 ply. Now, if this search returns a value far outside of your alpha-beta window you decide to believe the shallow search and return the result. If it's not too far outside of the alpha-beta window, or even inside it, you have to re-search to the full depth. There are a lot of constants you can tune in this algorithm, and you will have to experiment with it to get it up to full strength. It was used by Buro himself in his world-class Othello program Logistello, and I once implemented a version of Multi-ProbCut in my checkers program Cake. It worked much better than plain alphabeta, but not as well as my game-specific pruning algorithm. Nevertheless, ProbCut is highly interesting since it doesn't depend on the game you are playing. To me it's no surprise that it is outperformed by reduction algorithms which know something about the game - after all, these have some knowledge advantage!Game-specific enhancementsMany games allow enhancements which are only possible due to the game's nature. Some examples include 9 men's morris, which has a load of symmetries you can exploit, which was done by Ralph Gasser to solve the game. Another example is the Null Move, which works well in chess, but not at all in checkers. The null move is based on the idea that every move improves your position. Null move lets your opponent make a move when it's actually your turn. If even after this move, your position's value is > beta, you say: look, I can even afford to give him two turns, surely I don't have to search this line to the full depth, and return. The reason this works is that there are relatively few positions where having to move actually hurts. In chess, the term Zugzwang is used for such a position. There are many examples of Null-Move chess programs failing spectacularly in these positions, because their Null-Move heuristic fools them. Checkers is a game of zugzwang, unlike chess. This means that the Null Move heuristic cannot work in this game. In checkers, you can do something different: Since checkers is a very positional game compared to chess (there is no king to checkmate), a single checker advantage is usually enough to win. Therefore, checkers programs usually reduce the search depth of lines where one side has sacrificed (or blundered) material. Chess programs cannot afford to do this, because successful attacks on the king often involve sacrifices.Comments and questions are welcome!
This page was updated by Martin Fierz on Monday, February 11, 2002 using |