- The Checker Maven - Bob Newell's site on checkers, the best the web currently has on offer!
- A very nice article on Marion Tinsley and Chinook by Alexis C. Madrigal in the Atlantic.
- An article on checkers today with nice pictures of some top players, by Joseph Swide in Victory Journal.
- The American checkers federation (ACF) is the governing body of checkers in the US. Their new website is a must-see for every checkers player in the US. Includes a forum to discuss all kinds of checkers topics.
- The northwest draughts federation (NWDF) is an association of draughts clubs in northwestern Ireland.
- The English draughts association (EDA) organizes draughts in England.
- Chinook is a long-term project by Jonathan Schaeffer and
lots of collaborators, first to beat the human world champion, later expanded to solve the game of checkers.
Read about Chinook, download its games or play against a dumbed-down version of Chinook online.